Consulting Solar home/business Insights on 9-11-01 Resumes StuffForFriends Writings FundGoodWork Zany Stuff    


Hot stuff

Ordinary People Doing the Extraordinary.  Dwayne's co-authored book about the Koupals.  What does Ralph Nader have to say about the Koupals?  Read Nader's words and order the book by clicking to it here...

Christmas letters at 'Stuff for Friends' link... or

Christmas letter 2001 - 3 pictures 

Attila's Camp Site  

(Well, at least Attila's much more civilized great, great, great, distant grandson..)             

Be patient and lenient.  These pages may evolve slowly.  They may reflect consulting work, writings, links to political work, links to Excel Telecommunications services, projects, communications, top secret information, zanies and just stuff...

What's here?

Writings Sri Lanka Story, San Francisco Chronicle, Marin Independent Journal Features, Sri Lanka -Habitat Magazine, etc..

    Book about Dwayne's political mentors - how to order it.

Solar for your home or business If interested in what solar can do for your home, business, the environment or for reducing reliance on foreign oil.

Insights on 9-11-01Collected pieces that may be of interest.

Stuff for friends  Christmas and Thanksgiving letters, and ...

    Habitat pictures: Sri Lanka 2001

                             Fiji 2002                            

Consulting  Work related stuff.  Perhaps a bit more recent than resume stuff.

Resumes  Answers more that just, "What do you do anyway?" question often posed by some of my supposedly more industrious friends and cynics. : >)  sometimes may include on-going work.

Zany stuff Addresses often un-addressed issues, provides sight enhancing insights,  and ---(give our producers some time on the other stuff..)

Help fund good works  You can help fund good non-profit endeavors and maybe gain some meritorious graces, if you need such..  

Want to know more about ancestry?  About granddad Attila...

What Hunish traits genetically drive your work and play?  Leadership secrets

Mission:  To link some work, information, and stuff for others to review.

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Contact Information

Contact Chief  Dwayne Hunn:

Postal address
359 Jean St.  359 Jean St. Mill Valley, CA 94941
Electronic mail
General Information:
Sales: Dwayne Hunn